TrueConf CallX  1.1
TrueConf SDK for Windows
ITrueConfCallX Interface Reference


Inherits IDispatch.

Public Member Functions

HRESULT XExecuteCommand ([in] BSTR cmd)
HRESULT XRestart ()
HRESULT XSelectCamera ([in] BSTR cameraName)
HRESULT XGetCameraList ([out, retval] BSTR *cameras)
HRESULT XDeselectCamera ()
HRESULT XGetMicList ([out, retval] BSTR *microphones)
HRESULT XGetSpeakerList ([out, retval] BSTR *speakers)
HRESULT XDeselectMic ()
HRESULT XDeselectSpeaker ()
HRESULT XHangUpForAll ()
HRESULT XSetBackgroundImage ([in] BSTR imgPath)
HRESULT XCheckForEvent ([in] BSTR notificationData, [in] BSTR eventName, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *eventDetected)
HRESULT XStartPictureBroadcast ([in] BSTR imgPath)
HRESULT XStopPictureBroadcast ()
HRESULT accept ()
HRESULT acceptPeer ([in] BSTR peerId)
HRESULT acceptPodiumInvite ()
HRESULT acceptPodiumRequest ()
HRESULT activateLicense ([in] BSTR licenseKey)
HRESULT addContactToAbook ([in] BSTR callId, [in] BSTR displayName)
HRESULT allowRecord ()
HRESULT appUpdate ()
HRESULT call ([in] BSTR peerId)
HRESULT changeVideoMatrix ([in] BSTR jsonMatrix)
HRESULT connectToServer ([in] BSTR serverStr)
HRESULT createConference ([in] BSTR confName, [in] BSTR type, [in] VARIANT_BOOL autoAccept, [in] BSTR users)
HRESULT forbidRecord ()
HRESULT extendUidTtl ()
HRESULT getAbook ()
HRESULT getAppState ()
HRESULT getAudioMute ()
HRESULT getSelfieBroadcast ()
HRESULT getDisplayNameById ([in] BSTR peerId)
HRESULT getParticipantsList ([out, retval] BSTR *returnJson)
HRESULT getContactDetails ([in] BSTR peerId)
HRESULT getHardware ()
HRESULT getHardwareKey ()
HRESULT getMaxConfTitleLength ()
HRESULT getMicMute ()
HRESULT getMonitorsInfo ()
HRESULT getIdListRequestInvite ()
HRESULT getModes ()
HRESULT getSettings ()
HRESULT getSystemInfo ()
HRESULT getVideoMatrix ()
HRESULT getVideoMute ()
HRESULT getLicenseType ()
HRESULT gotoPodium ()
HRESULT hangUp ()
HRESULT hangUp2 ([in] VARIANT_BOOL forAll)
HRESULT inviteToConference ([in] BSTR peerId)
HRESULT inviteToPodium ([in] BSTR peerId)
HRESULT removeFromPodium ([in] BSTR peerId)
HRESULT removePeer ([in] BSTR peerId)
HRESULT leavePodium ()
HRESULT login ([in] BSTR login, [in] BSTR password)
HRESULT logout ()
HRESULT ptzRight ()
HRESULT ptzLeft ()
HRESULT ptzUp ()
HRESULT ptzDown ()
HRESULT ptzZoomIn ()
HRESULT ptzZoomOut ()
HRESULT reject ()
HRESULT rejectPeer ([in] BSTR peerId)
HRESULT rejectInvitationToPodium ()
HRESULT rejectRequestToPodium ()
HRESULT removeContactFromAbook ([in] BSTR callId)
HRESULT setAudioMute ([in] VARIANT_BOOL mute)
HRESULT setSelfieBroadcast ([in] BSTR paramsInJSON)
HRESULT setHardware ([in] BSTR hardwareInJson)
HRESULT setMicMute ([in] VARIANT_BOOL mute)
HRESULT setModes ([in] BSTR pin, [in] BSTR mode)
HRESULT setSettings ([in] BSTR settingsInJson)
HRESULT setVideoMute ([in] VARIANT_BOOL mute)
HRESULT shutdown ()
HRESULT shutdown2 ([in] VARIANT_BOOL forAll)
HRESULT startScreenCapture ([in] BSTR id)
HRESULT startAudioRemark ()
HRESULT stopScreenCapture ()
HRESULT XSetCameraByIndex ([in] LONG cameraIdx)
HRESULT XGetCameraByIndex ([in] LONG cameraIdx, [out, retval] BSTR *cameraName)
HRESULT XGetCameraCount ([out, retval] LONG *camerasCount)
HRESULT XSelectMicByIndex ([in] LONG microphoneIdx)
HRESULT XSelectSpeakerByIndex ([in] LONG speakerIdx)
HRESULT XGetMicByIndex ([in] LONG microphoneIdx, [out, retval] BSTR *microphoneName)
HRESULT XGetSpeakerByIndex ([in] LONG speakerIdx, [out, retval] BSTR *speakerName)
HRESULT XGetMicCount ([out, retval] LONG *microphonesCount)
HRESULT XGetSpeakerCount ([out, retval] LONG *speakersCount)
HRESULT XAddSlide ([in] BSTR imgPath)
HRESULT XRemoveSlide ([in] LONG imgIdx)
HRESULT startSlideShow ([in] BSTR slideShowName)
HRESULT showSlide ([in] LONG slideIdx)
HRESULT nextSlide ()
HRESULT prevSlide ()
HRESULT firstSlide ()
HRESULT lastSlide ()
HRESULT moveSlideUp ([in] LONG slideIdx)
HRESULT moveSlideDown ([in] LONG slideIdx)
HRESULT stopSlideShow ()
HRESULT getSlideShowInfo ()
HRESULT switchVideoStream ([in] BSTR peerId, [in] VARIANT_BOOL mainCamera)
HRESULT XAddSlidesDialog ([out, retval] ULONG *errorCode)
HRESULT XForceRestart ()
HRESULT XGetHandle ([out, retval] ULONG *handle)
HRESULT takePicture ([in] BSTR outputFileName)
HRESULT ptzStop ()
HRESULT XFileSend ([in] BSTR peerId, [in] BSTR filePath, [in] BSTR fileCaption, [out, retval] LONG *resId)
HRESULT XFileAccept ([in] LONG fileId, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *success)
HRESULT XFileTransferAvailable ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *available)
HRESULT XFileStatsInfo ([in] LONG fileId, [out] LONG *size, [out] LONG *downloaded, [out] LONG *uploaded, [out] LONG *u_speed, [out] LONG *d_speed, [out] LONG *peers, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *success)
HRESULT XFileSendAbort ([in] LONG fileId, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *success)
HRESULT XFileReject ([in] LONG fileId, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *success)
HRESULT XGetFileSendStatus ([in] LONG id, [out, retval] LONG *result)
HRESULT XFileDelete ([in] LONG fileID, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *success)
HRESULT XGetFileHashById ([in] LONG fileID, [out, retval] BSTR *hash)
HRESULT XGetFileIdByHash ([in] BSTR hash, [out, retval] LONG *fileID)
HRESULT XGetFileDownloadPath ([in] LONG fileID, [out, retval] BSTR *filePath)
HRESULT XGetFileTransferList ([out, retval] BSTR *files)
HRESULT sendCommand ([in] BSTR peerId, [in] BSTR cmd)
HRESULT XRemotePrintPdf ([in] BSTR peerId, [in] LONG fileId, [out, retval] LONG *retCode)
HRESULT XPrintPdf ([in] BSTR filePath, [out, retval] LONG *retCode)
HRESULT XGetCallXProcessId ([out, retval] LONG *pid)
HRESULT XFileSendToConference ([in] BSTR filePath, [in] BSTR fileCaption, [out, retval] LONG *resId)
HRESULT addToAbook ([in] BSTR peerId, [in] BSTR displayName, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT renameInAbook ([in] BSTR peerId, [in] BSTR newDisplayName, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT removeFromAbook ([in] BSTR peerId, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT block ([in] BSTR peerId, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT unblock ([in] BSTR peerId, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT getBanList ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT createGroup ([in] BSTR name, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT removeGroup ([in] LONG groupId, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT renameGroup ([in] LONG groupId, [in] BSTR newGroupName, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT addToGroup ([in] LONG groupId, [in] BSTR peerId, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT removeFromGroup ([in] LONG groupId, [in] BSTR peerId, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT getGroups ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT testAudioRenderer ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT testAudioCapturerStart ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT testAudioCapturerStop ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT toneDial ([in] BSTR symbol, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT sendMessage ([in] BSTR peerId, [in] BSTR message, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT sendGroupMessage ([in] BSTR message, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT chatClear ([in] BSTR chatId, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT getListOfChats ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT getChatLastMessages ([in] BSTR chatId, [in] LONG count, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT getCallHistory ([in] LONG count, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT setLastCallsViewed ([out, retval] BSTR *result)


BSTR CallXPath [get, set]
BSTR Camera [get, set]
BSTR Microphone [get, set]
BSTR Speaker [get, set]
BSTR XCommandLine [get, set]

Member Function Documentation

◆ accept()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::accept ( )

Accept incoming call. Could be executed only when incoming call or group conference invite is in process, ignored otherwise

See also

◆ acceptPeer()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::acceptPeer ( [in] BSTR  peerId)

Allow user to join your group conference. Could be executed only when incoming request for joining conference is in process, ignored otherwise. Moderator rights for current conference are required.

peerId- TrueConf ID of user
See also

◆ acceptPodiumInvite()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::acceptPodiumInvite ( )

Accept invitation to take podium. Could be executed only when incoming request for taking podium is in process, ignored otherwise.

◆ acceptPodiumRequest()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::acceptPodiumRequest ( )

Allow user to take podium. Could be executed only when incoming request from user for taking podium is in process, ignored otherwise. Moderator rights for current conference are required.

◆ activateLicense()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::activateLicense ( [in] BSTR  licenseKey)

Activate license key

licenseKey- license key

◆ addContactToAbook()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::addContactToAbook ( [in] BSTR  callId,
[in] BSTR  displayName 

Add contact to user address book

callId- TrueConf ID of user to add
displayName- Display Name of added user

◆ addToAbook()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::addToAbook ( [in] BSTR  peerId,
[in] BSTR  displayName,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Add user to address book

peerId- user ID
displayName- user display name
json string with return result

◆ addToGroup()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::addToGroup ( [in] LONG  groupId,
[in] BSTR  peerId,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Add user to group

groupId- group ID
peerId- user ID
json string with return result

◆ allowRecord()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::allowRecord ( )

Allow your video/audio stream recording Could be executed only when incoming request on stream recording is in process, ignored otherwise.

See also

◆ appUpdate()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::appUpdate ( )

Start application update After successful update conference will be restarted

◆ block()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::block ( [in] BSTR  peerId,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Ban user

peerId- user ID
json string with return result

◆ call()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::call ( [in] BSTR  peerId)

Call user or join the conference by CID. This command starts p2p call or joins the conference. This command starts p2p call.

peerId- user TrueConf ID or alias, or other supported ID types (H323, SIP, RTSP) in correct format, or conference CID in correct format ([conference name]@[server name]#vcs).
See also

◆ changeVideoMatrix()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::changeVideoMatrix ( [in] BSTR  jsonMatrix)

Set videomatrix type and peer plasec Command is available in group conference, ignored otherwise

jsonMatrix- videomatrix data in JSON format { "matrixType" : 1, "participants" : [ { "slotId" : 1, "peerId" : "" }, { "slotId" : 2, "peerId" : "" }, { "slotId" : 3, "participant" : "" } ] }

◆ chatClear()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::chatClear ( [in] BSTR  chatId,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Clear chat history

chatId- chat ID, peerId of party for pesonal chats or group conference ID
json string with return result

◆ connectToServer()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::connectToServer ( [in] BSTR  serverStr)

Connect to server

serverStr- specify server IP address or DNS name in format[:port], for example ""
  • port number is optional, default port number 4307 is used if omitted
  • use empty string to connect to TrueConf Online cloud
    • use .name to connect to other cloud
See also

◆ createConference()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::createConference ( [in] BSTR  confName,
[in] BSTR  type,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL  autoAccept,
[in] BSTR  users 

Create conference with specific parametes

confName- conference name
type- Conference type. One of
  • "symmetric"
  • "asymmetric"
  • "role"
autoAccept- allow users to join automatically
users- user ID list to invite. TrueConf ID and H323,SIP, RTSP ID's could be used in special format

◆ createGroup()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::createGroup ( [in] BSTR  name,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Create group

name- group name
json string with return result

◆ extendUidTtl()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::extendUidTtl ( )

◆ firstSlide()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::firstSlide ( )

Show first slide Command could be executed only in process of slideshow

◆ forbidRecord()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::forbidRecord ( )

Deny recording request of your stream Could be executed only when incoming request on stream recording is in process, ignored otherwise.

◆ getAbook()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getAbook ( )

Send address book request to server

◆ getAppState()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getAppState ( )

Get application state

◆ getAudioMute()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getAudioMute ( )

Get audio mute state

◆ getBanList()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getBanList ( [out, retval] BSTR *  result)

Get ban list

json string with return result

◆ getCallHistory()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getCallHistory ( [in] LONG  count,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

(TODO translate) get call history list

count- requested calls count, it should be more than one return json string that contains call history list
See also

◆ getChatLastMessages()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getChatLastMessages ( [in] BSTR  chatId,
[in] LONG  count,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Get latest chat messages

chatId- chat ID, peerId of party for pesonal chats or group conference ID
count- message count
json string with return result and message list

◆ getContactDetails()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getContactDetails ( [in] BSTR  peerId)

Get detailed user information

peerId- user's TrueConf ID

◆ getDisplayNameById()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getDisplayNameById ( [in] BSTR  peerId)

Get user display name from TrueConf ID.

peerId- user's TrueConf ID

◆ getGroups()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getGroups ( [out, retval] BSTR *  result)

Get group information

json string with return result

◆ getHardware()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getHardware ( )

Get hardware list

◆ getHardwareKey()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getHardwareKey ( )

Get unique hardware key for license generation

◆ getIdListRequestInvite()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getIdListRequestInvite ( )

Get list of all users requesting to enter conference

◆ getLicenseType()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getLicenseType ( )

Get current license information

◆ getListOfChats()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getListOfChats ( [out, retval] BSTR *  result)

Get chat list

json string with chat list

◆ getMaxConfTitleLength()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getMaxConfTitleLength ( )

Get maximum conference title length

◆ getMicMute()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getMicMute ( )

Get audio input mute information

◆ getModes()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getModes ( )

Get modes and pins for current camera device

◆ getMonitorsInfo()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getMonitorsInfo ( )

Get system screen infromation

◆ getParticipantsList()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getParticipantsList ( [out, retval] BSTR *  returnJson)

Get conference participants list

◆ getSelfieBroadcast()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getSelfieBroadcast ( )

◆ getSettings()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getSettings ( )

Get settings

◆ getSlideShowInfo()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getSlideShowInfo ( )

Get slideshow information

◆ getSystemInfo()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getSystemInfo ( )

Get system information

◆ getVideoMatrix()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getVideoMatrix ( )

Get video matirx information

◆ getVideoMute()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::getVideoMute ( )

Get video mute state

◆ gotoPodium()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::gotoPodium ( )

Send request to take podium. Moderators take podium automatically

See also

◆ hangUp()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::hangUp ( )

Leave conference Could be executed only when incoming request on stream recording is in process, ignored otherwise.

See also

◆ hangUp2()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::hangUp2 ( [in] VARIANT_BOOL  forAll)

Leave or terminate conference Could be executed only when incoming request on stream recording is in process, ignored otherwise.

forAll- leave or terminate
  • true - terminate conference for all. Requires moderator rights.
  • false - leave conference
See also

◆ inviteToConference()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::inviteToConference ( [in] BSTR  peerId)

Invite user to conference. Requires moderator rights. Could be executed only when incoming request on stream recording is in process, ignored otherwise.

peerId- user ID

◆ inviteToPodium()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::inviteToPodium ( [in] BSTR  peerId)

Invite user to podium. Command is valid for role-based conference only. Requires moderator rights. Could be executed only when incoming request on stream recording is in process, ignored otherwise.

peerId- user ID

◆ lastSlide()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::lastSlide ( )

Show last slide Command could be executed only in process of slideshow

◆ leavePodium()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::leavePodium ( )

Leave podium. Command is valid for role-based conference only. Could be executed only when incoming request on stream recording is in process, ignored otherwise.

◆ login()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::login ( [in] BSTR  login,
[in] BSTR  password 

Authorize on server

login- User ID
password- Use password
See also

◆ logout()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::logout ( )

Deauthorize from server

See also

◆ moveSlideDown()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::moveSlideDown ( [in] LONG  slideIdx)

Move slide down in list Command could be executed only in process of slideshow

slideIdx- slide index to move

◆ moveSlideUp()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::moveSlideUp ( [in] LONG  slideIdx)

Move slide up in list Command could be executed only in process of slideshow

slideIdx- slide index to move

◆ nextSlide()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::nextSlide ( )

Show next slide Command could be executed only in process of slideshow

◆ prevSlide()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::prevSlide ( )

Show previous slide Command could be executed only in process of slideshow

◆ ptzDown()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::ptzDown ( )

Turn camera down. Use ptzStop command to stop the operation. PTZ camera control

◆ ptzLeft()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::ptzLeft ( )

Turn camera left. Use ptzStop command to stop the operation. PTZ camera control

◆ ptzRight()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::ptzRight ( )

Turn camera right. Use ptzStop command to stop the operation. PTZ camera control

◆ ptzStop()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::ptzStop ( )

Stop camera rotation and zoom.

◆ ptzUp()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::ptzUp ( )

Turn camera up. Use ptzStop command to stop the operation. PTZ camera control

◆ ptzZoomIn()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::ptzZoomIn ( )

Increase camera zoom. Use ptzStop command to stop the operation. PTZ camera control

◆ ptzZoomOut()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::ptzZoomOut ( )

Decrease camera zoom. Use ptzStop command to stop the operation. PTZ camera control

◆ reject()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::reject ( )

reject incoming call or conference invite Command could be executed onlye when request is in process/

See also

◆ rejectInvitationToPodium()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::rejectInvitationToPodium ( )

reject invitation to take podium

◆ rejectPeer()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::rejectPeer ( [in] BSTR  peerId)

reject request to join conference

peerId- User ID

◆ rejectRequestToPodium()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::rejectRequestToPodium ( )

reject request to take podium

◆ removeContactFromAbook()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::removeContactFromAbook ( [in] BSTR  callId)

Remove user from address book

callId- User ID

◆ removeFromAbook()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::removeFromAbook ( [in] BSTR  peerId,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Delete user from address book

peerId- user ID
json string with return result

◆ removeFromGroup()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::removeFromGroup ( [in] LONG  groupId,
[in] BSTR  peerId,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Remove user from group

groupId- group ID
peerId- user ID
json string with return result

◆ removeFromPodium()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::removeFromPodium ( [in] BSTR  peerId)

Remove user from podium. Command is valid for role-based conference only. Requires moderator rights. Could be executed only when incoming request on stream recording is in process, ignored otherwise.

peerId- user ID

◆ removeGroup()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::removeGroup ( [in] LONG  groupId,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Delete group

groupId- group ID
json string with return result

◆ removePeer()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::removePeer ( [in] BSTR  peerId)

Remove user from conference. Requires moderator rights. Could be executed only when incoming request on stream recording is in process, ignored otherwise.

peerId- user ID

◆ renameGroup()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::renameGroup ( [in] LONG  groupId,
[in] BSTR  newGroupName,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Rename group

groupId- group ID
newGroupName- new group name
json string with return result

◆ renameInAbook()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::renameInAbook ( [in] BSTR  peerId,
[in] BSTR  newDisplayName,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Rename user in address book

peerId- user ID
newDisplayName- new user's display name
json строка с результатом выполнения

◆ sendCommand()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::sendCommand ( [in] BSTR  peerId,
[in] BSTR  cmd 

send command to a user, the user will receive onCommandReceived event

◆ sendGroupMessage()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::sendGroupMessage ( [in] BSTR  message,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Send message to current group conference

message- message
json string with return result

◆ sendMessage()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::sendMessage ( [in] BSTR  peerId,
[in] BSTR  message,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Send message to user

peerId- user ID
message- message
json string with return result

◆ setAudioMute()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::setAudioMute ( [in] VARIANT_BOOL  mute)

Mute/unmute audio output

◆ setHardware()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::setHardware ( [in] BSTR  hardwareInJson)

Set current hardware

◆ setLastCallsViewed()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::setLastCallsViewed ( [out, retval] BSTR *  result)

(TODO translate) mark all calls in call history as "viewed", update lastView parameter (see OnCallHistoryUpdated) return json string with the result of the command execution

See also

◆ setMicMute()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::setMicMute ( [in] VARIANT_BOOL  mute)

Select audio input mute state

◆ setModes()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::setModes ( [in] BSTR  pin,
[in] BSTR  mode 

Set mode and pin of current camera device

◆ setSelfieBroadcast()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::setSelfieBroadcast ( [in] BSTR  paramsInJSON)

◆ setSettings()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::setSettings ( [in] BSTR  settingsInJson)

Set application settings

◆ setVideoMute()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::setVideoMute ( [in] VARIANT_BOOL  mute)

Mute/unmute video

◆ showSlide()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::showSlide ( [in] LONG  slideIdx)

Show slide by index Command could be executed only in process of slideshow

◆ shutdown()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::shutdown ( )

Shutdown application

◆ shutdown2()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::shutdown2 ( [in] VARIANT_BOOL  forAll)

Shutdown application with options

forAll- if true, terminates conference for all users

◆ startAudioRemark()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::startAudioRemark ( )

Start remark. Available in role-based conference only. Fails if other user remark is in process. After positive reponse 5 seconds coundown starts onRemarkCountDown will be called each second

See also

◆ startScreenCapture()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::startScreenCapture ( [in] BSTR  id)

Start screen or application sharing

id- screen or window handle

◆ startSlideShow()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::startSlideShow ( [in] BSTR  slideShowName)

Starts slideshow. Slides should be uploaded prevoiusly

slideShowName- Slideshow name, could be empty
See also

◆ stopScreenCapture()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::stopScreenCapture ( )

Stop screen or application sharing.

◆ stopSlideShow()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::stopSlideShow ( )

Stop slideshow Command could be executed only in process of slideshow

See also

◆ switchVideoStream()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::switchVideoStream ( [in] BSTR  peerId,
[in] VARIANT_BOOL  mainCamera 

Request video/content stream switch

peerId- user ID
mainCamera- content flag true - main stream false - content stream

◆ takePicture()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::takePicture ( [in] BSTR  outputFileName)

take screen shot of the callx

outputFileName- file name for screen shot output file

◆ testAudioCapturerStart()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::testAudioCapturerStart ( [out, retval] BSTR *  result)

Starts audio capture test

json string with return result

◆ testAudioCapturerStop()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::testAudioCapturerStop ( [out, retval] BSTR *  result)

Stops audio capture test

json string with return result

◆ testAudioRenderer()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::testAudioRenderer ( [out, retval] BSTR *  result)

Starts audio playback test

json string with return result

◆ toneDial()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::toneDial ( [in] BSTR  symbol,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Send DTMF dial tones in video call

symbol- tone to send
json string with return result

◆ unblock()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::unblock ( [in] BSTR  peerId,
[out, retval] BSTR *  result 

Unban user

peerId- user ID
json string with return result

◆ XAddSlide()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XAddSlide ( [in] BSTR  imgPath)

Adds slide to slideshow

imgPath- full image path

◆ XAddSlidesDialog()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XAddSlidesDialog ( [out, retval] ULONG *  errorCode)

Open slide select dialog for slideshow

returns 0 if ok or error code

◆ XCheckForEvent()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XCheckForEvent ( [in] BSTR  notificationData,
[in] BSTR  eventName,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  eventDetected 

Check if event exists Helper function that can check which event was triggered in OnXNotify

notificationData- data passed in OnXNotify
eventName- event name
returns true, if eventName exists in notificationData

◆ XDeselectCamera()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XDeselectCamera ( )

Do not use camera

See also

◆ XDeselectMic()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XDeselectMic ( )

Do not use audio input (microphone)

See also

◆ XDeselectSpeaker()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XDeselectSpeaker ( )

Do not use audio output (speaker)

See also

◆ XExecuteCommand()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XExecuteCommand ( [in] BSTR  cmd)

Execute command in text format

cmd- command text

◆ XFileAccept()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XFileAccept ( [in] LONG  fileId,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  success 

Start file transfer

◆ XFileDelete()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XFileDelete ( [in] LONG  fileID,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  success 

Delete file uploaded before

fileID- file id , use 0 to delete all files

◆ XFileReject()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XFileReject ( [in] LONG  fileId,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  success 

Reject file transfer request

◆ XFileSend()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XFileSend ( [in] BSTR  peerId,
[in] BSTR  filePath,
[in] BSTR  fileCaption,
[out, retval] LONG *  resId 

Send file

◆ XFileSendAbort()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XFileSendAbort ( [in] LONG  fileId,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  success 

Cancel file transfer

◆ XFileSendToConference()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XFileSendToConference ( [in] BSTR  filePath,
[in] BSTR  fileCaption,
[out, retval] LONG *  resId 

Send file to all group conference participants

filePath- full file path
fileCaption- file name
file ID

◆ XFileStatsInfo()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XFileStatsInfo ( [in] LONG  fileId,
[out] LONG *  size,
[out] LONG *  downloaded,
[out] LONG *  uploaded,
[out] LONG *  u_speed,
[out] LONG *  d_speed,
[out] LONG *  peers,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  success 

Get file transfer progress and statistics

◆ XFileTransferAvailable()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XFileTransferAvailable ( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  available)

Check if file transfer is available

◆ XForceRestart()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XForceRestart ( )

Restart terminal options

◆ XGetCallXProcessId()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetCallXProcessId ( [out, retval] LONG *  pid)

Get CallX process ID

◆ XGetCameraByIndex()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetCameraByIndex ( [in] LONG  cameraIdx,
[out, retval] BSTR *  cameraName 

Returns camera name by index

cameraIdx- camera index in list camera indexes start from 0.

◆ XGetCameraCount()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetCameraCount ( [out, retval] LONG *  camerasCount)

Returns number of cameras in system

◆ XGetCameraList()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetCameraList ( [out, retval] BSTR *  cameras)

Get camera list

List of camera names that are present in system. Multilite text separated by "\r\n" newline symbols
See also

◆ XGetFileDownloadPath()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetFileDownloadPath ( [in] LONG  fileID,
[out, retval] BSTR *  filePath 

(TODO translate) get full path of downloaded file

◆ XGetFileHashById()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetFileHashById ( [in] LONG  fileID,
[out, retval] BSTR *  hash 

(TODO translate) get hash by file id

◆ XGetFileIdByHash()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetFileIdByHash ( [in] BSTR  hash,
[out, retval] LONG *  fileID 

(TODO translate) get file id by hash

◆ XGetFileSendStatus()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetFileSendStatus ( [in] LONG  id,
[out, retval] LONG *  result 

Get file status (if id != 0) or get common file transfer information (id == 0)

id- file id or 0 for common information
- file transfer status
  • 1 - start error
  • 2 - started
  • 3 - complete
  • 4 - undefined error while sending
  • 5 - pending
  • 0 - if id != 0 - id not found
  • 0 - if id == 0 - no files in queue
  • 255 -there are files in queue (только если id == 0)
  • -1 - file transfer not available
  • -2 - unknown error

◆ XGetFileTransferList()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetFileTransferList ( [out, retval] BSTR *  files)

Get list of all files in FileTransfer Each list item contains the following information

id- file id
isForSent- file transfer direction: true - sending, false - receiving
fileName- file name, name without path while receiving, full path while sending
caption- file caption
peerId- peerId of sender
downloadDir- folder for file download (while receiving)
hash- file hash

◆ XGetHandle()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetHandle ( [out, retval] ULONG *  handle)

Get CallX window handle

returns window handle, positive value, can be used for screen shot making

◆ XGetMicByIndex()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetMicByIndex ( [in] LONG  microphoneIdx,
[out, retval] BSTR *  microphoneName 

Get audio input name by index

micIdx- audio input device index in list
See also

◆ XGetMicCount()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetMicCount ( [out, retval] LONG *  microphonesCount)

Get audio input devices count in system

See also

◆ XGetMicList()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetMicList ( [out, retval] BSTR *  microphones)

Get audio input (microphone) device list

List of audio input device names that are present in system. Multilite text separated by "\r\n" newline symbols
See also

◆ XGetSpeakerByIndex()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetSpeakerByIndex ( [in] LONG  speakerIdx,
[out, retval] BSTR *  speakerName 

Get audio output name by index

speakerIdx- audio output device index in list
See also

◆ XGetSpeakerCount()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetSpeakerCount ( [out, retval] LONG *  speakersCount)

Get audio output devices count in system

See also

◆ XGetSpeakerList()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XGetSpeakerList ( [out, retval] BSTR *  speakers)

Get audio output input (speaker) device list

List of audio output device names that are present in system. Multilite text separated by "\r\n" newline symbols
See also

◆ XHangUpForAll()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XHangUpForAll ( )

Terminate conference for all participants. Moderator rights for current conference are required

See also

◆ XPrintPdf()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XPrintPdf ( [in] BSTR  filePath,
[out, retval] LONG *  retCode 

Print local file

◆ XRemotePrintPdf()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XRemotePrintPdf ( [in] BSTR  peerId,
[in] LONG  fileId,
[out, retval] LONG *  retCode 

Print file on conference party side, file should be previously uploaded by party.

◆ XRemoveSlide()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XRemoveSlide ( [in] LONG  imgIdx)

Deletes slide from slideshow

imgIdx- slide index in list

◆ XRestart()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XRestart ( )

Restarts application window. Sends shutdown command and starts new instance wihtour waitng for answer

See also

◆ XSelectCamera()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XSelectCamera ( [in] BSTR  cameraName)

Select camera by name

cameraName- Camera name
See also

◆ XSelectMicByIndex()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XSelectMicByIndex ( [in] LONG  microphoneIdx)

Select audio input device by index

micIdx- audio input device index in list
  • audio input will be set to none if audio input with such index does not exist
  • indexes start from 0.
    See also

◆ XSelectSpeakerByIndex()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XSelectSpeakerByIndex ( [in] LONG  speakerIdx)

Select audio output device by index

speakerIdx- audio output device index in list
  • audio output will be set to none if audio output with such index does not exist
  • indexes start from 0.
See also

◆ XSetBackgroundImage()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XSetBackgroundImage ( [in] BSTR  imgPath)

Set background image for main component window

imgPath- full path to image file

◆ XSetCameraByIndex()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XSetCameraByIndex ( [in] LONG  cameraIdx)

Select camera by index

cameraIdx- camera index in list
  • camera will be set to none if camera with such index does not exist
  • cameraIdx >= 0.

◆ XStartPictureBroadcast()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XStartPictureBroadcast ( [in] BSTR  imgPath)

Initiates picture broadcast in place of video from camera.

imgPath- Full path of image file
See also

◆ XStopPictureBroadcast()

HRESULT ITrueConfCallX::XStopPictureBroadcast ( )

Stop picture broadcast, send video from camera

See also

Property Documentation

◆ CallXPath

BSTR ITrueConfCallX::CallXPath

Full path to executable used by TrueConf CallX. Initialized from registry by default. Used when executable is started.

◆ Camera

BSTR ITrueConfCallX::Camera

Get current camera name

See also

◆ Microphone

BSTR ITrueConfCallX::Microphone

Get audio input (microphone) device name

◆ Speaker

BSTR ITrueConfCallX::Speaker

Get audio output (speaker) device name

◆ XCommandLine

BSTR ITrueConfCallX::XCommandLine

Set adiitional application command line options

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: